Medusa: Protector of Women 12oz Candle

Medusa: Protector of Women 12oz Candle


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Medusa is known as the protector of women. She is an apotropaic symbol used to protect from and ward off the negative, much like the modern evil eye. She represents a dangerous threat meant to deter other dangerous threats, and to repel evil. Medusa remains of temporal importance because she is the symbol of what female power looks like in the face of threatened male authority.

She is most famous for her “stone cold” look which turns dishonorable men into stone. This candle is encased in stone and adorned with obsidian for protection. Garnished with Rose (for the heart), Sage (for protection and cleansing), Chamomile (for peace), and Lavender (for nervous system regulation).

Burn this candle to ignite her protection, honor your own scars, call in healing, and invite her medicine into your life. Her energy serves as healing from past pain and protection for all future endeavors.

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