Venus: Goddess of Love & Beauty 18oz Candle

Venus: Goddess of Love & Beauty 18oz Candle


Venus (/ˈviːnəs/) is a Roman goddess, whose functions encompass love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory. Working with Venus energy is known to increase physical attraction, magnetism, and activate the energy of love around and within oneself. Venus is associated with the element of water and the sacral chakra as well as the heart chakra.

Because Venus is also often associated with the Goddess Aphrodite, invoking Venus is an invocation of Aphrodite. Aphrodite is known for her sexuality as well as feminine grace, beauty, and leadership. In many ways, Aphrodite is emblematic of female empowerment and pride in being unapologetically feminine, sexual, passionate, fierce, and brave. She represents the multifaceted side of femininity without shame or reserve.

Burn this candle to ignite the luxurious, graceful, soft yet fierce, and alluring energy of Venus/Aphrodite. Strengthen the love energy within yourself and around you, transform your physical appearance, invite more passion into your life, and invite in divine beauty & grace.

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